Optimal Medical Therapy
A zero calcium score puts a person in the lowest risk group for heart attack, stroke, sudden cardiac death in the next 5 to 10 years. We recommend positive lifestyle intervention for this group and statin therapy is withheld in most cases.
A very high calcium score puts a person in the very high risk group - over 40% likelihood in the next 5 to 10 years for heart attack, stroke and sudden cardiac death if not treated. We recommend positive lifestyle intervention in this group.
These three persons are at high to very high risk without aggressive plaque stabilizing, plaque regressing medical therapy. All the treatment is important but in this group, advanced lipid therapy is the cornerstone of heart attack prevention.
Comprehensive medical therapy treats all the plaques in the body - in the heart and in the brain preventing both heart attack and stroke. It stabilizes the plaques preventing plaques rupture, stops progression, prevents new plaque formation and even induces plaque regression.