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Join the Heart Saver Army - enlist at

Less Disparity . . . More Healthcare Equity

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We are fighting a winnable war - first heart attacks that change the lives of 600,000 Americans every year. We need to form a army and enlist the help of many Americans - employers, trained physician experts, employees, policymakers, municipalities, women's organization, forward thinking hospital administrators and insurance executives, minority groups, etc.

Here is a video about what two determined people can do to make a change that help others.  They paved the way for us. It can be done.

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David Bobbett is an Irish businessman who personally funded an award winning documentary - The Widowmaker, available for free in YouTube.


Rene Oliviera is a Texas state representative who sponsored the Texas Heart Attack Prevention bill in 2009.

Coronary calcium scoring was lifesaving for them.  Watch this video and learn what they did.


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1. Imaging Centers providing good quality, low radiation, low cost Coronary Calcium Scoring Test: click here.

2. Employers providing Coronary Calcium Scoring Test coverage for their employees: click here.



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